(2.3) Permanent Advanced Search

In the previous module, the simple keyword search looks for the search text anywhere in a record. An advanced search can narrow down the result in an exact match. Limiting the fields allows for a more targeted search.

Click the search icon to perform advanced searching.

Advanced search dialog box will appear and you will see a result page that looks like the following:

Type of items that user can search with in Advanced Search dialog

  • Name

  • City

  • State/Division

  • Position

When user searches employees with position “Leader”, the system displays employees included “Leader” words. And when user searches “=Leader”, the system displays employee that is Leader exactly.

  • Job rank: Employee job rank (Added from Job (6.11.1) Creating a Job)

  • Religion

  • Age

  • Education: education of employee (The user must search with "Degree" in "Major" section added from applicant form.)

  • Service year: User can search employee with service year (>2y 2m)

  • Gender

  • Marital status

  • Joined date

  • Include Subs checkbox: When user selects a department and checks Include subs checkbox, the system displays employees in not only this department but also its sub departments.

  • Department: When user selects a department or multiple departments, the system displays employees in user selected departments.

User also can search as multiple combination. (E.g., gender + marital status, service year + gender, department + position, etc.)

Last updated