(7) Attendance

This module provides many benefits to organizations, helping employers control labor costs by reducing over-payments, which are often caused by transcription error, interpretation error, or intentional error. In addition, it enables an employer to have full control of all employees working hours, vacation time, and compensation time because detailed records of attendance issues such as who calls in sick and who comes in late are kept in one place.

In BizLeap HR, Attendance is classified into 22 types, namely

  1. absent fingerprint

  2. half-day leave morning

  3. half-day absent morning

  4. half-day leave evening

  5. half-day absent evening

  6. leave

  7. away on duty

  8. present no fingerprint

  9. duty off

  10. present additional work day

  11. absent

  12. skip fingerprint

  13. present

  14. rest day

  15. rest day morning

  16. rest day evening

  17. holiday

  18. holiday morning

  19. holiday evening

  20. overtime

  21. holiday overtime

  22. holiday overtime replacement

Arrival is classified into 9 types, namely

  1. on time

  2. late allowed

  3. late

  4. absent

  5. unresolved

  6. unresolved no shift

  7. half-day absent morning

  8. no fingerprint

  9. unresolved no in time

Departure is classified into 13 types, namely

  1. absent

  2. normal departure

  3. early departure

  4. early departure allow

  5. departure no fingerprint

  6. late departure allow

  7. late departure

  8. on time

  9. early departure no fingerprint

  10. unresolved

  11. unresolved no shift

  12. half-day absent evening

  13. unresolved no departure time

There are 2 types of Attendance module namely Summary and Edit.

  1. Summary module shows 1-year summary Attendance records for every employee in the business system.

  2. Edit module provides checking or editing of attendance records to the admin who want to edit abnormal case of Attendance Type for every employee in the system.

Each module has two parts. They are Simple Key Search that can search by single search key and Advanced Key Search that can search by combination of multiple search key in the Attendance.

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