Data Entry Steps
Last updated
Last updated
Firstly, you must download the template file that is sent from BizLeap Technology.
The Excel cell format must be TEXT for all cells.
means you need to fill in the data for this column. Others are optional.
The date format must be DD/MM/YYYY.
Employee ID*: This is a unique id for each employee in the company. (Shouldn't be duplicated)
Fingerprint ID: If your purchasing system is using the fingerprint machine, you must fill the fingerprint id for the employees. If not, this column is optional.
Title*: Fill the title (U/Daw/Mg/Ma,....)
Name*: Employee Name
Department*: The department name of the employee is currently working on. (If the department has a parent department, you can use the (@) sign to describe the department structure. For e.g., BOD@Engineering)
Department Location*: Location name of the department. (For e.g., Yangon-HO)
Department Address*: The address of the department. (For e.g., 22, Kan Street, 10 Ward)
Location City*: The city of the location. (For e.g., Hlaing Township)
Location State*: The state of the location. (For e.g., Yangon)
Location Country*: The country of the location. (For e.g., Myanmar)
Location Phone*: The phone number of the location.
Job Title*: The position of the employee.
Report to employee id: This column is optional. If the employee reports to the other employees, you can fill the other employees' ids here.
Employment Type*: There are 3 types of the employment; FULL_TIME, PART_TIME, and CONTRACT.
Current Contract Start Date, End Date: If the employment type is CONTRACT type, please fill the contract start date and end date.
Employment Status*: There are 4 types of employment status; ACTIVE, PROVISIONAL, TERMINATED, and RESIGNED. ACTIVE means Permanent employee and PROVISIONAL means Probation employees.
Current Job's Effective Date*: The starting date of the current job.
Permanent Date*: If the employee's employment status is ACTIVE, you must fill the date of being permanent employee.
Joined Date*: The employee's entrance date.
Last Working Date: If the employee's employment status is TERMINATED or RESIGNED, you must fill the last working date of the employee.
Basic Salary*: The base salary of the employee.
Payment Type: There are 2 payment type: CASH, BANK_ACCOUNT.
NRC*: The NRC number of the employee.
Passport No: The passport number of the employee.
Date of Birth*: The date of birth of the employee.
Father Name*: The father name of the employee.
Education: The education of the employee. If there is one more than degrees, use the ( , ) sign.
Other Qualifications: Same with education.
Contact Address: The employee's contact address.
Township: Township of the employee's contact address.
State: State of the employee's contact address.
Permanent Address: The employee's permanent address.
Township: Township of the employee's permanent address.
State: State of the employee's permanent address.
Phone No: Phone Number
Personal Email: Personal email address
Work Email: Work email address
Nationality: Nationality
Race: Race
Religion: Religion
Marital Status: Single or Married
Gender*: Male or Female
Bank_Account Account No: The employee's bank account number.
Bank_Account Name: Bank Name (For e.g., KBZ, AYA, UAB, ...)
Bank_Account Account Name: The employee's bank account name.
Labor ID: Labor id
Emergency Contact Name: Name of the emergency contact person.
Emergency Contact Phone: Phone number of the emergency contact person.
Relationship: Relationship with the emergency contact person.
Emergency Contact Email: Email address of the emergency contact person.
Emergency Contact Address: Address of the emergency contact person.
Dependent Father Name: Name of the dependent father.
Same Household: Fill Yes or No.
Dependent Mother Name: Name of the dependent mother.
Same Household: Fill Yes or No.
Spouse Name: Name of the Spouse.
Income Tax Payer: Fill Yes or No.
No. of Children: Fill the children count.
Children Names: Name of the children. Use the ( , ) sign if there is more than one children.
Birth Date of Children: Date of birth of children. Use the ( , ) sign if there is more than one children.
Gender of Children: Male or Female. Use the ( , ) sign if there is more than one children.
If you have any problems with this, please contact our customer support team at