(11.6) Attendance Reports

Report available on both Summary and Edit. First, click to the “Report” button on the right of the screen.

You will see the following form.

There are 7 kinds of report –

  1. Company Daily Summary Report: It's shown the company daily attendance report by department.

  2. Company Daily Detail Report - It's shown company daily attendance report by employee who is in the department.

  3. Company Monthly Summary Report - It's shown company monthly attendance report by department.

  4. Company Monthly Detail Report - It's shown company monthly attendance report by employee who is in the department.

  5. Company In-time and Out-time Report - It's shown only in-time and out-time reports by employees.

  6. Individual Monthly Report - It's shown the employee's daily report by selected month.

  7. Individual Yearly Report - It's shown the employee's monthly report by selected year.

For Both individual reports, you first need to select an employee.

Select report type, start date, end date, department and click save button, the system export attendance report with excel format.

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