(13) Permission

Permission is only visible to the Administrator role user. This module is used to define which role can do what.

Choose the Permission module from the sub menu on the right side.

You will see the following form:

  • Level: Existing levels/roles are seen in the drop-down box. (To edit a level, you need to select from the drop down box.)

  • Description: To name newly created level or to rename an existing level

  • The Table: Permission check boxes

  • Location: (If the locations are selected) The locations on which the above permissions table will apply. You need to select at least one location to make the permission effective.

The level is used in the User Account form to give the employee role.

The Permission table check boxes

Note: "The user" refers to the account holder with the level which permissions can be given as below. (Not an administrator account user)

Check boxes



The user can view, edit, add and delete on the entities.


The user can only view the entities. If it is not checked, the menu will be hidden.


The system will auto select the View checkbox. The user can view and edit the entities.


The select will auto select the View checkbox. The user can view and add to the entities


The select will auto select the View checkbox. The user can view and delete the entities

Employee, Permanent, Probation

These 3 entities are connected. If you click any permission on Employee, the system will auto click the other two.

Check boxes



The system will alert to select View or All. The user can only view or perform actions on self.


The system will alert to select View or All. The user can only view or perform actions on self and report to/ report by employees.

Both not checked

It refers to all employees.

If delete permission is not checked, the user cannot create resignation and termination task.

If add permission is not checked, the user cannot create task for applicants to probation.

If Edit permission is not checked, cannot assign default shift from shift assign (Sub Menu).


If edit permission is not checked, the user cannot edit the applicants and also the applicant form in the employee, permanent and probation cannot be opened.


Check boxes



The system will alert to select View or All. The user can only view or create or edit tasks for self.

Direct Approval

The system will alert to select View or All. The user can direct approve the assignment and leave tasks.

Department, Job, Position

These 3 entities are connected. If you make changes to the department, it will effect the job and position.

Check boxes



The system will alert to select View or All. The user can only view or perform actions on his /her department.


The system will alert to select View or All. The user can only view or perform actions on his/her department and its sub departments.

Both not checked

It refers to all departments.

Self, Hierarchy or all departments also effect the tree view and organization chart.


Check boxes



The system will alert to select View or All. The user can only view or edit his/her attendance.

If self permission is checked, the attendance dashboard will also one employee that is the user.


Check boxes



The system will alert to select View or All. The user can only view or calculate his/her pay. The user will not be able to get reports that relate to all employee.

If Edit checkbox is not checked, the user cannot calculate the pay.


Configuration has only one check box, "All". If it is checked, the user will not see information such as salary, phone and address. But the administrator can hide that three selectively.

In configuration form, there are three check boxes (as follow). If the administrator only check the salary, the confidential information will be only salary and it will be hidden.

If the administrator check all three, the confidential information will be these three and they will be hidden.


Note permission controls both note template and note tab from the employee, permanent and probation module.

User Account

Check boxes



The system will alert to select View or All. The user can only view or perform actions on his /her user account.

If Edit permission is checked, the user is allowed to edit user name and password from the user account but the user role is only allowed to change by an administrator.

Change Detection

Change Detection has only one check box, "All". If it is checked, the user will see the change detection menu and its all records. If it is not checked, the menu will be hidden.


Team has only one check box, "All". If it is checked, the user will see the change team menu. If it is not checked, the team menu will be hidden.

(Shift, Shift Group, Holiday, Rest Day, Benefit Allowance, Leave Allowance, Batch Salary Adjustment, Configuration)

All the sub menu items have only one check box, "All". If they are checked, the user will see checked the items in sub menu. If they are not checked, the items will be hidden.

Messaging, Clocking, Routing

Attendance Dashboard, Dashboard

Both dashboards have only one check box, "All". If they are checked, the user will see the dashboards. If they are not checked, the dashboards will be hidden.


In the above image, only Yangon is selected. Therefore, all the above permission will only work on Yangon location. If employee is check with Yangon location, only employee from Yangon will appear when the user logs in.

If selected location employees will only appear on the attendance dashboard.

General Notes

Self and Hierarchy permissions also have effects on the data searches and save search excels.

If the user does not have permission to do something, "You don't have permission" alert box will appear.

Self and Hierarchy permissions also work on the counts on the menus.

After saving the permission form, the system will log out the user.

Last updated