(23) Note

You can check extra employee information such as which employee got what items from the company (e.g. laptop, mobile phone, car, etc ...) and other activities (e.g. blood test, trip, etc. ) by using the Note key. It will show as a flow chart as shown in the figure. You can add information to the pie chart from permanent note or from (7) Note Template.

Choose the Employee module from the main menu on the left side. Click the Note key as the following.

Note Key

The user can click the pie chart and it’s shown the pie chart of the note as following:

The user can click the bar chart and it’s shown the bar chart of the note as following:


The user can click one of the numbers in the red box. (e.g. Laptop (16, 10, 7, 114) , click 16) The user can see the list of employees who get this item as follow:

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