(14.2) Editing the Rest Day


  1. Choose the Rest Day module from the sub menu on the right side.

  2. Choose Edit

  3. Select description in Rest Day form.

  4. Select Month you want to edit.

You will see the rest days that you created are linear for every week in every month as following.

  • You will see invalid days of month you selected with blue color and you can not choose these days.

  • You can edit rest days by weekly as you like.

  • Then, click Save button.

Then, we can create rest days according to description for each employee who has not holidays regularly.

  • Firstly, choose the Permanent and Probation module from the main menu on the left side.

  • Choose an employee.

We will see configuration form as following.

  • You can choose rest day description from Rest Day Schedule.

Last updated