Version - 3.3

Version-3.3 - 2020-05-15


  • When the user click the Employee Report by chart, the system doesn't show the report by employee list.

  • The system doesn't retrieve the resigned reason and remark in rejoin form. To change from terminated date to resigned date.

  • The system can't save the task by Myanmar Language for reason and comment.

  • After changing the status, the follower lists disappeared. Screen reader support enabled.

  • Can't save resign task when exit clearance info type value is string format. So, exit clearance type info should accept any format in configuration. Should validate if content is a number.

  • After changing the status, the department lists disappeared in assignment task.

  • The effective date field is missing when creating the team task. But the system showed the effective date field in team edit form and should be changed the date range field's label as like "Date".

  • Dependent's gender value doesn't save in the first time.

  • Creating leave allowance with same name should not allow.

  • Can't export the task reports and fixed the excel column.

  • When the user extends the contract term, the salary is twice for same position.

  • Payroll SSB calculation amounts are incorrect.

  • Cannot save leave allowance when there is only one leave type.

  • In domestic trip, max overtime hour and rate is missing. Those fields are needed for this assignment.

  • Resigned employee is still attached to the department.

  • Assignment task for the date range(Already have a task in that date range) with different assignment type can be created again.

  • Payroll daily wages calculation amount is not correct.

  • Half day absent deduction is not working in payroll.

  • Allowance date is incorrect in payroll detail and payslip. It would be payroll start date to end date.

  • Net Salary calculation is incorrect for resignation.

  • Estimate yearly income is incorrect. So, personal relief, total relief & total taxable income amount are incorrect.

  • Tax Calculation start & end month is incorrect in payroll detail.

  • The system calculates the claim amount in payroll but the user doesn't approve the task.

  • In benefit allowance, if the type is "ALC_OUTLET_ALLOWANCE", can't save the form.

  • The system resigned/terminated the target employee from employee list before effective date.

  • When creating the assignment task with attendance type (HOLIDAY_OVERTIME, etc....) but the system created with default attendance type of employee.

  • When creating assignment for upcoming days, the assignment type chosen changes to "Absent" if there is no in-time and out-time.

  • In attendance tables, in-time is not recorded.

  • When saving the batch salary adjustment task, the system shows the error message "Can't save task". But the task was actually saved.It only happens when mail service is not disabled.


  • Attendance dashboard

  • Attendance advanced search by department


  • Activities

  • Configuration for attendance

  • Attendance report by department & date range

  • Payroll calculation by department

  • Print payslip by department

  • Tax report

  • Overtime report

  • SSB report

Last updated