New Features


  • Can remove the approved rest day individual task in the employee's activities.

  • Can search the activities with the date range.


  • Can search for the tasks with the task statuses by choosing multiple statuses.

  • Attachment Full Payroll assignment task is added.

  • Rest Day for individual task is added.


  • Added the description in the attendance detail.


  • Adding latitude and longitude in the location and can choose the location in the map.


  • For the attachment full payroll assignment, the payslips are split for the main department and the targeted departments.


  • Can calculate payroll by location.

  • For the attachment full payroll assignment, the payroll is calculated for the main department and targeted departments.

  • Added the importing with excel for deduction payitems.

  • Payroll advanced search form is added.


  • Can configure the location boundary for the clocking area.

  • Can configure to calculate the attachment full payroll assignment.

  • Can configure to request the fingerprint sensor or signature in the clocking for the mobile.

Last updated