New Features


  • New leave history tab is added, and information can be exported as excel file.

  • Carry over leaves’ information can be seen in leave history.

  • Employee’s information changes can be controlled by approval process like the tasks.

  • Made efficient UI changes in attachment display and added more attachment types of an employee to view.


  • Added new reports for batch salary adjustment, reconcile, shift assignment, team and internal communication.

  • Followers can be added in more task types such as loan, claim, etc.


  • Google search feature is added.

  • Departments can be searched by employee, job and location in new advanced search feature.

  • Holiday schedule can also be assigned for each department.


  • Added loan calculation in payroll.

  • Made refinement of payroll error logs.


  • Manual regeneration of attendance records for the user’s desired date can be performed when the fingerprint machine is not connected.

  • Location map is also displayed for out-time.

  • Working day report and late minutes information report is added.

  • Attendance dashboard can be zoomed out.


  • Default shift, shift group and holiday schedule can be defined.

  • Default message group can be defined to receive automatic messages.

  • Added new option for assignable list whether to include report-to employees or not.

  • New message group section is added to manage the message groups for mobile app.

  • Department content view can be chosen as total (all departments) or top levels (only parent departments).

  • New option is added whether to send an email or not whenever a task is performed.

  • Carry over leave can be defined.

  • New option is added for updating employee’s information whether to allow to change directly or with approval process.

  • Enabling team menu option is added.


  • Rules and regulations, Company information and CSR program can be uploaded in dashboard.

  • Made simple and clear UI changes for shift, shift group and event (where data errors are displayed).


  • New team menu is added.

  • All teams can be viewed.

  • Location of each team members can be tracked.


  • Birthday wishes to target employees will be sent to their emails automatically.

Last updated