(1) Employee

You can access employee personal information, service history, leave records, and performance reviews in this menu. Only administrators or departmental heads with access to all the functions can view this section as mentioned before.

Type of items in Action Bar

You can enter the year and click "Generate" button to produce the tax report. You can email the report to the employee by clicking the "Send Email" button.

The following subsections describe how to use these functions.

The "Report To" is the employees that the selected employee reporting to. (i.e. Han Min Aye has to report Oo Aung Htwe Saw)

The "Report By" is the employees that reporting the selected employee. (i.e. The employee in the right side report to Han Min Aye)

You can traverse easily by clicking the images. (When clicking the Oo Aung Htwe Saw image, you can view that employee profile)

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