(5.6) Task Edit

Employee selection may vary depending on the rules and regulation of the company. Here, we will show you a sample task approval flow.

The role of a Creator: Can create task from permanent or probation or applicant module. Refer to following section:

(1.5) Rejoin

(2.4) Creating Tasks on Permanent

(3.3) Creating Task for Probation

(4.5) Applicant to Probation

Login employee is the Creator. If the tasks are not assign to any employee, the creator has the responsibly to process the tasks.

Assignee: who has to process the assigned tasks.

In this example the HR manager is the assignee because the creator (an HR assistant or person with a similar rank) designated him or her.

You can click the green count on the task module to process the open tasks that you are assigned.

You will see as follow:

Select the task you want to process.

Click the edit icon to process the task.

There are four task statuses (Open, Cancelled, Closed, Approved).

If you want to assign this task to other employee, you need to save the task with task status "Open".

  • Open: You will able to choose another person to assign the task who will decide whether the requested task should be allowed, suspended or rejected. After saving, that task will be allowed to change other types of status such as “close”, “approve” and “cancel”.

  • Close: The task is suspended. After saving the task, its status type can be changed to “open”.

  • Approve: The task is approved and it cannot be changed to “open”, “close” or “cancel” status after saving.

  • Cancel: The task is rejected and it cannot be changed to “approve” or “open” or “close” status type after saving.

Other task processing work flows are the same.

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