(17) Shift

A shift is the time period during which you are at work.

Late Arrival Policies

A Late Arrival Policy is a plan that has been agreed to officially by your organization specifying the actions to take when an employee arrives at the office late. It is defined in association with attendance types which are discussed in the next section.

Sample Late Arrival Policy Definition

Generally, late arrival policies are defined according to the “In Time” of the company. Use minutes when specifying the “Duration”. We will show you how policies can be defined with an example use case. For instance, the “Company A” workday is from 9 am to 5 pm. Employees are allowed to arrive as late as 15 minutes. Otherwise, they are fined 1000 kyats. Employees are marked “absent” if they do not come into the office. In addition, staff can be marked as “half_day_leave,” getting half the salary for the day if they come to the office one hour late. After 3 hours an employee is designated as on “leave” and gets no salary for that day. Sometimes employees forget to record a fingerprint even though they arrive on time. This is marked as “Present_no_finger_print”. Those employees, who work an extra day, including a targeted office day, are marked as “present_additional_work_day”. They get double the salary for this day. When employees are not at the office but working outside on duty, this is defined as “away-on-duty”.

Early Departure Policies

An Early Departure Policy is a plan that has been agreed to officially by your organization specifying the actions to take when an employee departs the office early. It is defined in association with departure types which are discussed in the next section.

Early Departure Policy Definition

Generally, early departure policies are defined according to the “Out Time” of the company. Use minutes when specifying the “Duration”. We will show you how policies can be defined with an example use case. For instance, the “Company A” workday is from 9 am to 5 pm. When employees are not at the office, working outside on duty, and they have an “In Time” record but no “Out Time” record in finger print machine. This is defined as “present”. Employees are allowed to depart 10 minutes early and still be marked as “normal_departure". Employees are marked as “early_departure_allowed” if they depart 30 minutes before OutTime. If the employee departs 60 minutes before OutTime they are marked as “early_departure”. An employee that leaves two hours before OutTime is designated as on “halfday_departure” and takes a halfday_leave. If the employee has permission to do overTime work in the office they are marked as “late_departure_allowed” and get overTime fee for that day. Otherwise, they are defined as “late_departure”.

Arrival Types

Arrival is classified into 9 types, namely

  1. on-time

  2. late allowed

  3. late

  4. absent

  5. unresolved

  6. unresolved no shift

  7. half-day absent morning

  8. no fingerprint

  9. unresolved no in time






Employee arrives at regular



late allowed

Employee arrives late but

this is allowed for a certain time.



Employee arrives late.



Employee is absent.



Employee arrives at the regular time but forgets to make fingerprint.


unresolved no shift

Employee’s attendance is

not determined.


half day absent morning

Employee is absent for half

day in morning.


no fingerprint

Employee has no shift.


unresolved no in time

Employee has no in time.

Departure Types

Departure is classified into 13 types, namely

  1. absent

  2. normal departure

  3. early departure

  4. early departure allow

  5. departure no fingerprint

  6. late departure allow

  7. late departure

  8. on time

  9. early departure no fingerprint

  10. unresolved

  11. unresolved no shift

  12. half-day absent evening

  13. unresolved no departure time






Employee takes absent.


normal departure

Employee departs at office out time or

before nearly office out time.


early departure

Employee departs early.


early departure allow

Employee departs early but this is

allowed for a certain time.


departure no fingerprint

Employee departs at the

regular time but forgets to make fingerprint.


late departure allow

Employee departs late but this is allowed for a certain time and doing overtime works.


late departure

Employee departs late but this is not allowed for doing overtime works and remain in office with other reasons.


on time

Employee arrives at regular time.


early departure no fingerprint

Employee departs early without




Employee’s attendance is not



unresolved no shift

Employee has no shift.


half day absent evening

Employee departs for half day in



unresolved no departure time

Employee has no departure time.

Last updated