(1.7) Due Contract Count

The blue circle with count "1" is the due contract reminder count which shows six weeks ahead of the contract end date. If any contract is going to be full the count will increase. That count includes both permanent and probation employees.

Click on the count to see which employee contract end date is near. You will see as follow.

Contract Extension

If the company will extend the contract for the employee, you can simply click the "Contract Extend".

You will see the form as follow:

The fields are

  • Assign To: A person who can process the task. If not filled, the task responsibly is related to the creator.

  • Effective Date: Date that affects the task

  • Salary

  • Contract End Date: the End of the extended contract

  • Assign Position: If the position of the employee is changed, choose a new position. If not, you can choose the old position.

You can click the "Save" button to save the task. Task approval is explained in the (5) Task section.

Last updated