HR Dashboard

To view HR Dashboard you need administrative rights or you must have the permission to view.

The First look to the dashboard, the system shows the summary and fingerprint machine status which is at the bottom.

In the summary, there will be employees' upcoming birthdays (within 3 days) and personal information of the log in user such as total holidays, total taken leaves and total absent days for select date range.

  1. Fingerprint Machine Status : a button to open/close the Fingerprint Machine Status

  2. Dashboard: a button to open/close the dashboard

  3. Refresh: a button to refresh the fingerprint machine status & also the dashboard

  4. Machine Status: Red for Not Connected/ Green for Connected

  5. Date Range: the user can select start and end dates to show the data

  6. Refresh: a button to refresh the personal information

  7. Close: a button to close the dashboard

To View Company Information, Rules and Regulations and CSR Program, you have to three check boxes in the configuration form.

Click on the Company Information. You will see as follow:

  1. Date Range: the user can select start and end dates to show the data

  2. Refresh: after selecting the dates, the user has to refresh the dashboard

  3. Close: if the user click that button, the system hide the company information box

  4. Files: The files that the users uploaded

  5. Upload: To upload files

If you click on the "Files" or on the counts, the system will show the file. You can download the files by clicking on the file name.

Click on the Rules and Regulations. You will see as follow:

Files: the files that the users uploaded

Upload: To upload files

If you click on the "Files" or on the counts, the system will show the file. You can download the files by clicking on the file name.

Click on the CSR Program. You will see as follow:

Files: the files that the users uploaded

Upload: To upload files

If you click on the "Files" or on the counts, the system will show the file. You can download the files by clicking on the file name.

Click on the Shift Group. You can see the summary of all the shift groups in the system here. You will see as follow:

Click on the Shift. You can see the summary of all the shifts in the system here. You will see as follow:

Click on the Events. You can see data error such as no fingerprint employees, no shift or shift group assigned employees here. You will see as follow:

The following is the description of the software interface.

Last updated