(19.1) Creating New Shift

To create new shift, choose New from Shift in sub menu drop down list.

You will see the Shift New Form.

In the form:

Late Arrival Policies

  • Description: Description for the policy

  • Duration: Late minutes

  • Arrival Type: If you are late than the duration, the arrival type will be the selected one

  • Fine Type: Day or Kyat

  • Fine Amount: The amount that will be deducted

  • Allow Times: Allow time to be committed

Early Departure Policies

  • Description: Description for the policy

  • Duration: Late minutes

  • Departure Type: If you depart earlier than the duration, the departure type will be the selected one

  • Fine Type: Day or Kyat

  • Fine Amount: The amount that will be deducted

  • Allow Times: Allow time to be committed

Benefit Enforcement Policies

  • Description: Description for the policy

  • Enforce By: Total committed action

  • Violation By Type (Enforce By type is Total Violation Count(s)): Arrival and Departure Types

  • Violation By Count(s): Number of times that the violation is committed

  • Fine By Type: Day or Kyat

  • Fine By Amount: Amount

  • Target Allowance(s): Allowances that will be targeted for the policy

  • Fill the fields.

  • Click Save button

If salary type is “Monthly”, this shift will affect “Late Arrival Policies”, “Early Departure Policies”, and “Benefit Enforcement Policies”. If salary type is “Hourly”, two new text boxes (“Maximum Working Hour” and “Hourly Wages”) will appear and “Late Arrival Policies”, “Early Departure Policies”, and “Benefit Enforcement Policies” will not be affected.

Shift Type

Each shift has a type according to the company working shifts. In BizLeap HR Software, shift types are as follows:

  • Day

  • Night

  • Morning

  • Evening

  • Swing

  • Regular

  • Irregular - If Shift Duration is more than one day.

Last updated