(2.4.15) Assignment

Related To Payroll

You can use "Assignment" to assign overtime, holiday overtime or other assignments to the employees. Payroll will include overtime, holiday overtime payments only if the assignment tasks are created for the employees.

  1. Choose the Permanent module from the main menu on the left side.

  2. Click the All key.

  3. Choose an employee (OR) Search employee in search box.

  4. Click the Assignment task.

You will see the Assignment form as following:

The user can select Assignment Type (Oversea_Trip, Project, General, etc.) at drop down list.

The user can select Attendance Type (Leave, AwayonDuty, Duty_Off, etc) at drop down list.

The user can select Day Type (Full, Morning, Evening) at drop down list.

User can select Overtime Hour Type (Assignment Duration, Daily, Weekly) at drop down list.

User can select Bonus Type (Action_Bonus, Other_Salary, One_Time_Bonus) at drop down list.

When all the required fields are filled, click the Save button.

Task approval is explained in the (5) Task section.

Approved assignment tasks can be deleted or reopened. Refer to (2.10) Assignment Reopen and Delete.

Last updated