(2.4.2) Internal Communication Task

You can use "Internal Communication'' to request additional men power and carry leave, request uniform send messages.

  1. Choose the Permanent module from the main menu on the left side.

  2. Click the All key.

  3. Choose an employee (OR) Search employee in search box.

  4. Click the Internal Communication task.

You will see the internal communication form as following:

Type: there are 4 types of internal communication.

If the user wants to request additional men power, select ADDITIONAL MEN POWER REQUEST.

If user wants to request leave for next year, select LEAVE CARRY OVER REQUEST.

If the user wants to request uniforms for staffs, select STAFF UNIFORM REQUEST.

If user wants to send message, select MESSAGE ONLY.

Add target: If Add target is clicked, the following boxes will appear to add target.

When the user searches and selects, the system will bold the selected item. You will see a result page that looks like the following:

When all the required fields are filled, click the Save button.

Task approval is explained in the (5) Task section.

Last updated