(4.5) Applicant to Probation

  1. Choose the Applicant module from the main menu on the left side.

  2. Search the applicant that you want to promote by Google search or Name search.

  3. Click on the applicant. The system will display the detailed information of the selected applicant.

  4. Click the Task button from the action bar on the right.

You will see the employment application form as follow:

  • Choose the Assignee from the Assign To drop down list.

  • Fill in these fields: Approved Salary, Effective Date, Employee Number, Fingerprint ID and Position.

  • And then choose the Employment Type. If employment type is contract, the system will show start date and end date of contract.

You will see as follow:

  • Then click Save.

  • This ends the part played by the Creator.

  • Task approval is explained in the (5) Task section.

After Task is created Status will change from "Applied" to "Processed".

Last updated